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baguma amaan mpagi2023-04-04 Basic First Aid training was well conducted and full of life it was educative yet entertaining trainees enjoyed every bit of it from the beginning to the end. it provided live experiences that opened our eyes. `Some lives are lost because of ignorance`. We are all capable of saving a life if at all we knew what to do at the right time during an emergency. kemigisha Phionah2023-04-04 It was excellent. Ian gume2023-04-04 Perfect Ketty Namakongolyo2023-04-04 It was a great team and great training. Very helpful Okello Jimmy zadoki2023-03-14 It was so amazing to learn the first aid and am now looking forward to help my people and friends thanks first aid international Tom Torres Kayongo2023-01-31 The training was good but short. I requested to be provided with the training material so that we can continue with personal reading to cover everythingLoad more
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